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Average Swedish house price reach more than Skr 1 million in all counties

Thursday, 07 February 2013
Swedish real estate prices for one- or two-dwelling buildings were unchanged during the fourth quarter 2012 compared to the third quarter. Prices increased by 2 percent on an annual basis during the fourth quarter, compared to the same period last year.

Latest analytical data from Statistic Sweden (SCB) report about this development and add that there is currently a delay at the land registration authority (Lantmäteriet), and therefore the statistics are being published one month later than normal. This means the last period relates to October – December instead of November – January.

Increasing prices were reported in 10 out of 21 counties during the fourth quarter compared to the third, while decreasing prices were reported in 5 counties.

Price changes varied between minus 2 percent and plus 6 percent. In the metropolitan areas of Greater Stockholm and Greater Gothenburg prices were unchanged, while decreasing price was reported in Greater Malmö by 2 percent.
Details from SCB

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